Saturday, April 16, 2005

Yvedt Matory.

Yvedt Matory died yesterday of cancer. A leading cancer surgeon in Boston, mother of three children, wife to Harvard Law School Professor Randy Kennedy and maybe the best neighbor one could ever have, she was a gift to everyone who knew her. Funeral arrangements will be announced shortly and posted here.

Update: Yvedt's funeral will be held at The National Cathedral in Washington, DC (where she and Randy were married) on Wednesday, 20 April, at 1:30pm. There will also be a memorial service in Boston down the road.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Book Recommendations.

Joe Kanon's latest is out. It's called Alibi and it's a great read. Disney War by James Stewart is the best business book I've read in a long, long time. I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe was widely panned. Turns out it's a great read.

Coming soon will be George Peper's new book entitled The Secret of Golf. George used to edit Golf magazine and has always been the best guy on golf around. I'll blog it after I read it.