I just finished writing a column for Fast Company Magazine about blogging and so have started my own. Eventually, I intend to call it Elsewhere in the News, just because I've always like the expression.
By way of introduction, my name is John Ellis. I am the "Digital Matters" columnist for Fast Company Magazine and a former columnist for Inside.com/Inside Magazine, New York Press and The Boston Globe. I also work as a consultant and speak to various business and academic audiences. Prior to my bifuracted life as a columnist and consultant, I worked as a political analyst and producer for the NBC News Election Unit.
My politics, generally speaking, are conservative. I am also a great believer in emerging technologies. I think they will transform how we work and function. And I am optimistic that they will do so for the better.
This blog will largely be devoted to news analysis, commentary and opinion. The subjects will include business, technology, politics, golf, news media, advertising, P2P, books and general weirdness as it appears.
Anyway, this is the beginning. In a couple of weeks, I plan to launch a web-site that will (I hope) be well-designed and fun to read. I'm working on it. For now, welcome. And thanks for coming.
The Art of Winning
1 hour ago