What The World Needs Now: More Liberal Media
You can't make this stuff up. Here are the two key paragraphs from Jim Rutenberg's story this morning about Democratic schemes to create a more liberal media:
"In one of the more ambitious of the ideas circulating, a group of wealthy Democratic supporters is toying with the idea of starting a liberal cable network. That endeavor would cost in the hundreds of millions and require the backing of a media company with enough leverage to force it onto the major cable systems.
Democratic officials said that they had discussed a similar idea with Haim Saban, a media mogul and party supporter, a couple of years ago, as Fox News began its ascent, but that he ultimately decided against it, in large part because of the odds against success."
If Democrats believe that they are losing elections because the media are not liberal enough, then they really ought to just give up.
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
Posted by John at 1/01/2003 11:58:00 AM